Collaborative Research Grant (SCRG) 2024 Opening
The SCRG supports collaboration between University Partners of the Centre of Excellence for Digital Economy (CoE) and the industry. This grant intends to link researchers with industry to focus on research and development of specific use cases and subsequently, commercialization.

The grant is open to collaborative research applications in any of the digital clusters of Cybersecurity, Advance Visualization and Simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Big Data and Data Science, Digital Infrastructure, Robotics and Automation, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G and Connectivity and Software Development. However, priority will be given to these specific targeted areas:
- Blockchain application in Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence application in key PCDS 2030 sectors including healthcare, Industry 4.0, etc
- 5G focused use cases
- Microelectronics applications in Space Technology
The grant is also open for re-submissions from proposals applications that scored between 60 and 69 in SCRG 2023, provided that the applications have addressed all the feedback from the Technical Expert Reviewer
Grant Objectives:

- Foster high quality research to solve industry-identified problems through industry-defined and outcome-focused collaborative research partnership between industry entities and University Partners of the CoE
- Catalyze technological advancements and foster industry collaboration through the development of innovative core technologies with demonstrable use cases in industrial settings
- Facilitate technology and knowledge transfer between CoE Keylabs and industry
- Encourage and facilitate Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) participation in collaborative research.
Intended Outcomes:

- Establishing industry-research sector collaborations
- SME participation in collaborative research
- Collaborative research results relevant to PCDS 2030 and SDE 20230
- Increased research skills in industry and increased industry capability in research
SCRG 2024 Details:

Project Duration
- Minimum project duration is 2 years
- Maximum project duration is 3 years
Grant Amount
- The maximum grant amount is RM250,000.00
- All partners are required to contribute towards the project, whether in cash and/or in-kind contribution. However, cash contributions are highly encouraged from industry partners
Application Period
- Opening Date : 30 December 2024
- Closing Date : 30 March 2025
Project Requirement
To be eligible, the proposed project must:
- Have at least RM160,000 in total eligible project value
- Work on problem statement(s) identified by the industry which defines the research agenda to develop a product, service or process, thereby delivering tangible outcomes.
- When an industry partner is involved, the problem statement must address a specific challenge identified by tge partner, aligning with their strategic needs. The PI must provide supporting documentation, such as:
- A description of the issue and its operational impact.
- Evidence of its significance (e.g., market analysis, case studies, or data).
- A commitment letter from the industry partner outlining their role, resources, and plans for adopting or piloting the outcomes.
- In the absence of an industry partner, the research must address a common problem with specific implications for the sector, contributing to solutions with the potential for wide-reaching impact. The problem statement must focus on a well-defined, significant, and unresolved challenge that affects the broader industry.
- The main location of the research project must be in Sarawak. However, certain research activities may be conducted outside of Sarawak where necessary for the achievement of research objectives and substantial justification must be provided.
Collaboration Eligibility Criteria
- Only one (1) eligible lead applicant (i.e. university) may apply for grant funding and submit an application on behalf of all project partners.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) must be a leader or member of a Keylab.
- For Sarawak-based CoE University Partners, the PI must be from one of the following universities:
- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
- Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Sarawak
- University of Technology Sarawak (UTS)
- Curtin University Malaysia
- Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus
- i-CATS University College
- For external CoE University Partners, the PI must be from one of the following universities:
- University Malaya (UM)
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
- University of Melbourne
- The following conditions apply when the Principal Investigator (PI) is from an external CoE University Partner:
- A Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) must be appointed for the project.
- The Co-PI must be employed at a Sarawak-based CoE University Partner.
- The PI from the external CoE university partner must authorize the Co-PI and their university to manage the research grant with SDEC.
- The Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) must be enrolled at a Sarawak-based CoE university partner and supervised by both the PI and Co-PI.
- The GRA is encouraged to undertake a portion of their studies at the external CoE university partner. These arrangements should be coordinated between the PI and Co-PI’s respective universities and may follow the guidelines of their joint student exchange program. SDEC should be kept informed of such arrangements. Any expenses pertaining to the joint student exchange program are to be managed by the university partners.
- The research stipend for the GRA must be fully managed and administered by the Sarawak-based university partner of the CoE.
- In addition, each project must include and maintain, throughout its duration, a Co-Investigator(s) from at least one other university partner of the CoE.
- Other Co-Investigator(s) from universities which are not a University Partner of the CoE are also acceptable, provided the above minimum conditions of project members are met.
- The Principal Investigator who was successful in SCRG 2023 will not be eligible for this call.
- A Principal Investigator is only allowed to submit one (1) project application.
- The Principal Investigator’s service period must remain for at least one (1) year at the respective institution starting from the closing date of the SCRG application.
- In the event that the Principal Investigator is no longer serving at the institution prior to the release of the application result, the RMC must inform SDEC immediately.
- The Principal Investigator is strongly encouraged to collaborate with relevant Industry/Agencies to implement the research project. Supporting documentation, such as a letter of intent and other relevant documents, should be provided.
- Collaborating with relevant industry partners will provide an added advantage in the proposal evaluation.
- Role of the industry partner:
- The industry partner acts as a “Lighthouse Partner”, committing to piloting or implementing the solution as an early adopter, facilitating real-world testing and validation of its utility and impact.
- The industry partner will collaborate with the research team to identify and define the industry-specific problem, ensuring that the project addresses practical, real-world needs.
- The industry partner will provide insights, data, infrastructure or other resources to support the research, development and testing of the solution.
- Requirements for industry partner:
- The industry partners must meet the following requirements:
- The industry partners must be able to contribute towards the development of innovative core technologies with demonstrable use cases (either in fundamental or translational/applied research)
- The industry partner must not be currently receiving or have previously received support from SDEC through SDEC Technology Accelerator (STAcc) Program
- Has a good reputation and has no conflict of interest with SDEC.
- Able to commit to the project by providing at least one Person-in-Charge (PIC) and willing to cooperate with the research team.
- The PIC is expected to be present for a minimum of one meeting session every quarter of the year throughout the duration of the project.
- The industry partners must meet the following requirements:
- Additional requirement for contribution:
- All partners must make cash and/or in-kind contributions to the project. All proposed cash and in-kind contributions are treated equally for the purposes of calculating the total eligible project value. However, cash contributions from industry partners are highly encouraged.
- University Partners of the CoE are expected to provide, at a minimum, 100% tuition fee waivers and/or other in-kind contributions.

If you have any questions. please complete the following form:
FAQ Responses:
How to Apply?

General Eligibility & Project Criteria Checking
Check the general eligibility and project criteria in the SCRG 2024 Guideline and read the SCRG Instructions to Applicants

Download SCRG 2023 Documents
Download the following form HERE.
- SCRG 2024 Application Form
- Project Partner Information Form (one for each partner)
- Project Partner Declaration Form (one for each partner)
- Project Partner Contributions & Research Expenditure Template form
- Industry Partners Information form (one for each partner)
- Business Model Canvas (BMC) Template

Submit Application
Fill in the required forms and compile and any necesary attachments together into one document in PDF format. Then, submit the complete document HERE.

Application Summary
Upon submission of the application, the applicant will receive a summary of the applicant via email. The RMC will also receive an email with the same summary of the application. In addition, the RMC will receive a link to the Research Proposal Endorsement Form to be completed and submitted to SDEC.